cover image for Why DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) might be a bad idea

Why DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) might be a bad idea

What is DNS? The Domain Name System (DNS) is the backbone of the Internet. It makes the clock tick (not literally) and is often described as the phonebook of the Internet, translating domain names to IP addresses. Just like a phonebook can translate a business name to a physical address. How does DNS work? Almost all devices connected to the Internet have an unique IP address, which is used to communicate with other devices....

 · Mart Geluk
cover image for Top IT cloud certificates to pursue in 2021

Top IT cloud certificates to pursue in 2021

2020 was an interesting year. A big thing happened, changing the world as we known. Working from home became the standard and I finally had some time to take a deep dive into the world of IT related certifications. “The pandemic validated cloud’s value proposition,” said Sid Nag, research vice president at Gartner. “The ability to use on-demand, scalable cloud models to achieve cost efficiency and business continuity is providing the impetus for organizations to rapidly accelerate their digital business transformation plans....

 · Mart Geluk
cover image for Blogging for $0 on DigitalOcean's new app platform.

Blogging for $0 on DigitalOcean's new app platform.

This month, DigitalOcean announced their new App Platform. Introducing a modern look on a Platform As A Service (PaaS). With the App Platform, you can build, deploy, and scale apps and static sites quickly and easily The platform is supposed to bring three main benefits: Fully managed Maximize developer productivity Scale app, not costs Deploying up to three static sites is free, as with many other providers....

 · Mart Geluk
cover image for Hack The Box - ID Exposed

Hack The Box - ID Exposed

Hack The Box is a well-known penetration testing platform and its challenges are often written about. Many blogs provide write-ups of the individual challenges showcasing the brilliantness of the author. I will write about the challenges that surprise me, such as the ID exposed challenge. I found this challenge to be fairly difficult, not because of some difficult mathematical calculation, but because it’s based on an individual’s familiarity with how Google accounts function....

 · Mart Geluk